Health, Equipment Resources and Transportation
Health, Equipment Resources and Transportation
The All Kids program offers many Illinois children comprehensive healthcare that includes doctors, visits, hospital stays, prescription drugs, vision care, dental care and medical devices like eyeglasses and asthma inhalers. Some families pay monthly premiums for the coverage, but rates for middle-income families are significantly lower than they are on the private market.
Lake Behavioral Hospital has a very clear goal: to help people live healthier lives. Since a mental health crisis can severely impact everyday life, we help our patients and families regain their balance.
The Lake County Health Department offers resources such as clinics and doctors in the area, as well as provides important health information.
Our mission motivated by the belief that healthcare is a human right, we provide high quality, affordable care to support healthier people, families and communities. Services in English & Spanish
We are a practice offering counseling for children, teens, parents, adults, couples, and families.
Counseling center located in Libertyville, IL. This agency serves individuals of all ages, including family counseling and couples counseling.
Diaper Bank, Lake County, IL
Mobile diaper pantry that supplies diapers for children up to age 3, and pull ups for children up to age 4. They also provide period/menstrual supplies for families who cannot afford them. Online registration is required before families can start receiving supplies.
Riddick's Ride Foundation's Lending Garage, where we offer families of individuals with complex medical needs the opportunity to borrow durable medical equipment as well as medical supplies FREE of charge.
Katy’s Kloset is a non-profit medical equipment lending library that loans out and accepts donations of good, used, and durable medical equipment for children and adults.
4302 N. Main Street, Room 106
Rockford, IL 61103-1209
(815) 987-7571
DSCC assists Illinois families and children with special healthcare needs through family centered care coordination. This may include helping you get a diagnosis and learn more about your child’s condition. Later, you might need help arranging special medical care, working with your child’s doctors and teachers, or making the most of your insurance plan.
Pediatric Dentist, multiple locations.
Private pay transportation service including wheelchair accessible
Wheelchair accessible transportation
Accessible vehicles, new and used for sale