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Pod Information

Early Childhood

At Laremont, our Early Childhood program emphasizes developmentally appropriate skills and supports both students and parents as they transition into the school environment. We engage students with curriculum units, seasonal activities, and the letter of the day, using a variety of methods including play-based learning, songs, motor activities, and sensory experiences. Additionally, we explore low-tech augmentative and assistive communication devices and systems to enhance communication and learning.


At Laremont, our Primary grade group offers a dynamic and engaging environment where play, songs, and movement are integrated into the daily curriculum. Our program places a strong emphasis on communication and independence. Each day, we start with a morning group that covers the calendar, weather, feelings, and the phonics letter of the day. Throughout the year, we come together to celebrate various holidays. We also explore low-tech augmentative and assistive communication devices and systems to support and enhance our students' communication skills.


The ELP Intermediate Pod at Laremont School uses the Unique Learning Curriculum alongside supplemental programs and activities, including Phonics Focus, prevocational training, daily living skills, functional academics, arts and crafts, cooking, and choice-making skills. Emphasis is placed on communication, movement activities, and repetition for student success. Weekly specials include Music Therapy, Adaptive Physical Education, Innovation Lab, Social and Speech Groups, and Library Time. The pod celebrates holidays and curriculum-related events with activities like elections, bake sales, drives for local shelters and hospitals, and a holiday toy drive. A key feature is the weekly Functional Academic Groups, where students rotate classrooms to engage in collaborative English Language Arts and math activities.

Middle School

In the Middle School pod, we use a variety of materials and activities to connect our curriculum to real world experiences. The Unique Curriculum is our main source of academic lessons which includes reading, writing, math, sciene, social studies, cooking and art. Our students benefit from a variety of activities throughout the week such as adapted physical education, music therapy, innovation lab, sensory room, gross motor room, prevocational work, and library. 

High School

In the high school pod, we use a multisensory approach throughout our day. During academics, we utilize the Unique Learning Systems curriculum at each student's individual level. Our days focus around preparing our young adults for adulthood. Using a multidisciplary team, we explore communication styles, vocational training, and activities of daily living. 

LASSO 3 Transition

The SEDOL LASSO 3 transition program (Language and Social Skills Opportunities) services young adults ages 18-22 who require a more structured environment. The purpose of the transition center is to help our young adults navigate the transition to adulthood by providing opportunities and training in the following categories: Education, Employment, Adult Living, and Community Involvement. The LASSO 3 program provides a structured environment, social interactions, emotional regulation strategies, community based instruction, and employment experience to name a few.

ELP Transition

The SEDOL ELP (Exploring, Learning and Participating) transition program helps students ages 18-22 improve their levels of independence in the school and community, work on self advocacy skills and experience new things. Our team will help connect families with post-secondary options and feel comfortable advocating for their students. Our course of study focuses and incorporates the four domains of the transition plan. This consists of Employment, Education/Training, Adult Living, and Community Participation. We create meaningful work experiences in the classroom, within the school and within the community. The program also includes related services that support current and future needs.

Supported Transition

The Supported Transition Program serves 18 to 22 year olds (after completing four years of high school) as they prepare for adulthood as contributing members of the community. This program is structured to enhance the ongoing development of young adults toward the ultimate goal of independence, productivity, and self-determination. This program is committed to provide a positive learning environment through a cooperative instructional partnership of family, school, and community (specifically with the adult community agencies that will be part of the students' services when they exit the educational environment). This partnership will support the Educational Team as it assists the student and family in transitioning to the chosen post-secondary environment.